Compliance and whistleblowing
  • Employees should measure their own behavior against the fundamental values of human conduct and the values of the company. This understanding is documented in the Code of Conduct of Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG, which forms the basis for the company’s morally, ethically, and legally sound behavior. The Management Board of Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG explicitly endorses this Code.

  • Our understanding of compliance is based on the principles of prevention, detection, and response. The Compliance Officer supports the management in its responsibility to comply with compliance regulations, provides the necessary processes, serves as a point of contact for all assigned issues and questions, and operates independently and without instructions.

To provide a quick and uncomplicated point of contact, we have implemented a whistleblower protection system. This allows for both written and oral reporting. Reports can be made anonymously or with the disclosure of identity.

All reports are treated with absolute confidentiality and may only be accessed and processed by the Compliance Officer assigned to manage the whistleblower system. The Compliance Officer is bound to strict confidentiality by both the company management and by law.


Written Reports

Please submit written (anonymous/non-anonymous) reports to:
Written Reports

Oral Reports

Oral Reports or to Schedule a Personal Meeting

Please call: +43 676 840 616 217.

The Compliance Officer of Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG is specifically responsible for the following areas:

  • Antitrust Law
  • Corruption
  • Capital Market Compliance
  • Cases of Theft, Fraud, Embezzlement, Breach of Trust, Accounting, Environmental Violations
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Discrimination
  • Environment

All other compliance matters, such as labor law, personnel issues, employee protection, data protection, etc., do not fall within the Compliance Officer's area of responsibility. These matters are handled by other organizational departments.